The Patriot News and the Paxton Herald Endorse my Campaign

I am thrilled to announce my campaign’s endorsement by The Patriot News and The Paxton Herald!

The Paxton Herald highlights my service on Millersburg Borough Council and my willingness to do the necessary research when developing new house bills.Ph Endorse

 The Patriot News states, “Dietz jumped into local government because he says he saw a need. In his words: “I thought, how can I make Millersburg a better place?”

And goes on to say, “In an age when it can be difficult to find people willing to give their time to their community, Dietz didn’t hesitate. He created the borough’s website, was lead organizer of a bike race, the Tour de Millersburg, is working on a regional marketing plan and was elected to Borough Council, later to become president. As a testament to his ability to work with others, he was elected council president by his Republican peers.”


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