Rep. Helm admits cutting education funding – I plan to work to restore those cuts.

Special thanks to The Rick Smith Show-Where Working People Come to Talk for the audio of my interview last night.

Rick Smith show discussing cuts to education

Rep. Helm makes comments about cutting funding for our schools. This is what she is talking about:
School District          Total Cuts in 2011-12                                                                    Central Dauphin        $2,813,066                                                                                     Halifax Area               $506,526                                                                                  Millersburg Area        $412,384                                                                                     Susquehanna Twp.   $582,752                                                                                         Upper Dauphin Area  $720,570                                                                        Susquenita                 $1,092,131                                                                                Williams Valley           $812,980                                                                                           Total cuts in the 104th House District: $6,940,409

She says that the funding was restored and not really cut, but according to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, “the funding cuts were not restored in the 2012-13 budget.”
“[School officials] believe the funding problems are affecting student achievement, including the lower results of the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment tests given in the spring.
“We’re concerned that the continued financial decline and the resulting program and personnel reductions has that impact on student achievement and PSSAs in particular,” Mr. Himes said.”

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